I spent Saturday morning with Bo and Siggi from the Urban Raptor Conservation Project trying to track down a missing Verreauxs' Eagle. When we arrived early in the morning the female was hunting along the ridge above the farm, but there was unfortunately no sign of the male or youngster. Never-the-less, it was a lovely walk and it never ceases to amaze me that a large raptor can survive in what is essentially suburbia - within sight of the Johannesburg CBD. Below is a snapshot of Black Eagle habitat in Johannesburg!
Although we were unsuccessful in our search, a number of other raptors made an appearance, including a Black Sparrowhawk and a Steppe Buzzard (I also saw a little sparrowhawk in Randburg on my way home!). As always when walking in the African veld there was alot to see, like the tree agama above and this lovely cactus adding a splash of color: