I have been hearing about the sparrowhawks at Golden Harvest Park in northern Johannesburg for a while how. Apparently Black, Ovambo and Little Sparrowhawks are all breeding in the park. Since the Black Sparrowhawk is possibly my favourite raptor, I visited the park to try and spot one ... but it is a large park and I had no luck. This morning I returned following some advice from
Niall Perrins, and although I did not manage to spot the Black Sparrowhawk I had a lovely sighting of an Ovambo Spar (I initially though it might be a Shikra but the orange legs confirm it is an Ovambo).
I initially saw it sunning itself in a Eucalyptus:

I sat quietly and watched him for a while, and after 10 minutes he suddenly became very alert and darted after some weavers flying through an opening in glade. The chase was obscured by a large tree, so i missed the kill, but after 30 seconds or so the Ovambo returned with his spoils:

So a big thanks to
Niall Perrins who pointed out the areas in the park each species frequent.