Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spotted Eagle Owl - Take 2

I have blogged about the pair of Spotted Eagle Owl's that have been hanging around our place a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have seen them almost every day - including one afternoon when some heavy rain flushed them out in the middle of the day! Unfortunately for various reasons I have not been able to get a decent shot - in fact with winter here and the light gone by the time I get home from work I had pretty much given up much hope of getting a decent shot unless I managed to locate their roost. However as I arrived home today, with the sun already gone and light fading fast I spotted an owl flying onto our roof. I rushed in to grab my camera and managed this shot before the light was gone:

Its a little grainy and taken through some obstructing branches, but I was still super exceited to have finally got a shot of one of my favourite birds. Next step locate the roost ... which must be very close by :-)


  1. I had Spotted Eagle Owl raise their two young ones on our property (+- 4 month old now)as I was aware of them flapping about on my flat roof area with thatch overhang, ideal nesting facility. We are in the Northcliff area. They have food that they find in the area. We have not seen rat or mice in the past two years.

  2. Lucky you! I have not seen any owls around here in the last year :(
